June 15, 2020

Monumental Heist

A Story of Race; A Race to the White House

New Orleans Council Member Jared Brossett: “It’s All Gravy. I love you.”

On Saturday June 13th New Orleans City Council Member Jared Brossett’s city owned SUV vehicle crossed the median at Elysian Fields and hit a car head on around midnight.

New Orleans Council Member Jared Brossett’s black city owned SUV crossed the median and hit an on-coming car (left).

On Saturday June 13th on Elysian Fields Avenue in New Orleans at approximately midnight, Council Member Jared Brossett’s city owned SUV crossed a median and hit a car, head-on.

Jared Brossett’s city-owned SUV jumped the curb and crossed the median hitting an on-coming car. The fire station is located between the two flyover ramps. Thirty minutes passed before EMS arrived.

Brossett was later charged with Reckless Driving and Driving Under the Influence. This video was taken by a resident of the neighborhood, who thought Brossett was a police officer due to the police lights on the top of the SUV.

A Facebook post by Trevor Teevee followed at 9:45 am June 15. This post perhaps connects a few dots. Was Council Member Brossett on the phone with his lawyer as opposed to 9-1-1. Does that call explain why it took the police an hour to response and Emergency Medical Service 30 minutes to respond to the injured driver of the other vehicle?

It took over thirty minutes for New Orleans Emergency Medical Services to arrive after Jason Brossett’s city owned SUV hit another car. Shown here is the driver lying on the ground.
Victim’s car after being hit by Jared Brossett’s City-owned SUV.

During the five minute video, the passenger from the other vehicle lays injured on the ground with no emergency response from a 9-1-1 call Jared Brossett stated he made.

New Orleans Council Member Jared Brossett was quickly on the phone advising the helping neighbor that he was “working on it” and had called 9-1-1. However Police did not respond for 60 minutes and EMS did not respond for 30 minutes.

Just after four minutes and fourteen seconds, Brossett tells the man trying to help that “I’m working with you,” and “It’s all gravy. I love you.” Police took one hour to respond. Emergency Medial Services took 30 minutes to respond although located only 1000 feet away. The helping resident thought Brossett was an off duty cop per the police equipment on the vehicle.

Fire Station located 1000 feet from Jared Brossett’s wreck.
Brown paper marks the tire tracks across the median of Jared Brossett’s city owned SUV. The Fire Station can be seen between the two overpasses.

Brossett failed a field sobriety test and refused a breath-alcohol test. He was booked around 6:00am and released by 9:00am.

New Orleans Council Member Jared Brossett was booked Sunday June 14th for Reckless Driving and Driving Under the influence.

Brossett chaired the New Orleans City Council Aviation and Transportation which approved the new Airport Terminal. Former Mayor Mitch Landrieu had proposed that the terminal could be built for under $600 million. Landrieu left off his proposal items such as a road to the airport, acquiring land for the access road, sufficient parking, five gates for International flights, and more.

During construction the Airport Staff awarded a no-bid contract for $96,000.00 that was expanded to over $4,000,000.00. Speculation has been raised as to if Jared Brossett’s statement: “It’s all gravy. I love you.” refers to the City’s ability to award multi million contracts at no-bid.

Earlier in the video Brossett states: “We are working on the issue (meaning the accident.” The 30-minute response time by EMS and 60-minute delay by NOPD question if Brossett called 9-1-1. If so what caused the slow response time?

The justification for the New Orleans Airport awarding a $96.000.00 no bid contract that was later increased to over $4,000,000.00
The justification for the New Orleans Airport awarding a $96.000.00 no bid contract that was later increased to over $4,000,000.00
The justification for the New Orleans Airport awarding a $96.000.00 no bid contract that was later increased to over $4,000,000.00. Signed and approved by former Mayor Mitch Landrieu.
The justification for the New Orleans Airport awarding a $96.000.00 no bid contract that was later increased to over $4,000,000.00. Signed and approved by former Mayor Mitch Landrieu.
The justification for the New Orleans Airport awarding a $96.000.00 no bid contract that was later increased to over $4,000,000.00. Signed and approved by former Mayor Mitch Landrieu.