On the night of July 22, 2020 the memorial to World War I veterans was graffitied with the message “Die Pigs,” “1312,” and “ACAB.”
Two weeks earlier, three other monuments were graffitied in New Orleans, hours after a protest rally at the police station with the crowd being led in a chant of: “We gonna F#$@ with the Police.”
ACAB is often written as 1312. Both mean: “A.C.A.B. is an acronym meaning “All Cops Are Bastards”. It is used as a slogan, tattoos, and other imagery. It is sometimes numerically rendered as “1312”, after the alphabetic order of the letters.
Director Sidney Hayers used the phrase as the title of his 1972 crime drama All Coppers Are…, and the Dictionary of Catchphrases states that while the initialism—later seen in 1977 by a Newcastle journalist written on the walls of a prison cell.
The Causalities produced the song “1312 ACAB” with the following lyrics:
1312 ACAB
We seen the power
Power corrupts
We’ve seen our people
Beaten by the cops
1312 ACAB
Time is our enemy
We’ve had enough
Let’s get together
Let’s show them what’s up
1312 ACAB
Es para la gente
Pa todo el Mundo
Sale del corazon
Queremos ser Libres
1312 ACAB
1312 ACAB
Oh here they come again
It never fucking ends
We’ve had enough of this
Oh we’ve had enough
1312 ACAB

BLM standing for Black Lives Matter was graffitied on the monument.

The New Orleans media branded the protests of June & July 2020 as “peaceful” protests against police brutality.

However there were never any protests to stop the killing of police officers in New Orleans.

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